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Charles Walter Stansby Williams (Чарльз Уолтер Стенсби Уильямс)

Hymn for Septuagesima Sunday

Out of the deep they arose,
Measure in measure they came,
On the mighty wind that blows
Creation in paths of flame;
Sun with each farther sun
Trod the dance of the sky,
And in the thin air was begun
The journey of God Most High.

Out of Himself He came
In the vibrating light;
The fire of Himself the flame
Shone in Himself the night,
Far in Himself for rest
All things were born to be,
Who move in a royal quest
Of the end that is only He.

Note upon rising note
Through the times and the spaces heard,
Archangel, planet and mote
Sang but the single Word:
The Word He uttered of old
IN the haunts of eternity
All things to all things told,
The Word that is only He.

Voice of the Lord, arise
Through man, in darkness and flame,
Till through his inner skies
Sounds the Unnameable Name;
Fashion the heavenly way
Till, last of His creatures, we,
In His union of night and day,
Know ourselves naught but He.

Charles Walter Stansby Williams's other poems:
  1. Bethlehem
  2. The Adventures of the Holy Week
  3. Pentecost
  4. Saint Matthias
  5. The Feast of St. Silas, Martyr, and Patron of This Place

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