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William Wetmore Story (Уильям Стори)


The midnight, thick with cloud,
Hangs o'er the city's jar,
The spirit's shell is in the crowd,
The spirit is afar;
Far, where in shadowy gloom
Sleeps the dark orange grove,
My sense is drunk with its perfume,
My heart with love.

The slumberous, whispering sea,
Creeps up the sands to lay
Its sliding bosom fringed with pearls
Upon the rounded bay.
List! all the trembling leaves
Are rustling overhead.

William Wetmore Story's other poems:
  1. The Villa
  2. On the Desert
  3. Italy
  4. Praxiteles and Phryne
  5. Cleopatra

Темы стихотворения (Poem Themes): Cities of Italy (Города Италии), Italy (Италия)

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