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Charles Lamb (Чарльз Лэм)

The Young Letter Writer

Dear Sir, Dear Madam, or Dear Friend,
 With ease are written at the top;
When those two happy words are penned,
 A youthful writer oft will stop,

And bite his pen, and lift his eyes
 As if he thinks to find in air
The wished-for following words, or tries
 To fix his thoughts by fixëd stare.

But haply all in vain—the next
 Two words may be so long before
They'll come, the writer, sore perplext,
 Gives in despair the matter o'er;

And when maturer age he sees
 With ready pen so swift inditing,
With envy he beholds the ease
 Of long-accustomed letter-writing.

Courage, young friend; the time may be
 When you attain maturer age,
Some young as you are now may see
 You with like ease glide down a page.

Even then when you, to years a debtor,
 In varied phrase your meanings wrap,
The welcomest words in all your letter
 May be those two kind words at top.

Charles Lamb's other poems:
  1. The Boy and the Skylark
  2. Clock Striking
  3. Nurse Green
  4. The Offer
  5. Discontent and Quarrelling

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