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Charles Kingsley (Чарльз Кингсли)

Frank Leigh's Song

  A.D. 1586

Ah tyrant Love, Megaera's serpents bearing,
Why thus requite my sighs with venom'd smart?
Ah ruthless dove, the vulture's talons wearing,
Why flesh them, traitress, in this faithful heart?
Is this my meed? Must dragons' teeth alone
In Venus' lawns by lovers' hands be sown?

Nay, gentlest Cupid; 'twas my pride undid me;
Nay, guiltless dove; by mine own wound I fell.
To worship, not to wed, Celestials bid me:
I dreamt to mate in heaven, and wake in hell;
For ever doom'd, Ixion-like, to reel
On mine own passions' ever-burning wheel.

Devonshire, 1854

Charles Kingsley's other poems:
  1. Down to the Mothers
  2. The Dead Church
  3. The Poetry of a Root Crop
  4. A Hope
  5. The Last Buccaneer

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