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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

Charles Harpur (Чарльз Харпур)


There's a regret that from my bosom aye
        Wrings forth a dirgy sweetness, like a rain
        Of deathward love; that ever in my brain
Uttereth such tones as in some foregone way
Seem gathered from the harmonies that start
        Into the dayspring, when some rarest view
        Unveileth its Tempèan grace anew
To meet the sun—the great world’s fervent heart.
’Tis that, though living in his tuneful day,
        My boyhood might not see the gentle smile,
Nor hear the voice of Shelley; that away
        His soul had journeyed, ere I might beguile
In my warm youth, by some fraternal lay,
        One thought of his towards this may native isle.

Charles Harpur's other poems:
  1. Wellington
  2. A Dream of the Orient
  3. Mary Arden
  4. Humanity
  5. Greatness

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Jean Ingelow (Джин Инджелоу) Regret ("O that word REGRET!")
  • Charlotte Brontё (Шарлотта Бронте) Regret ("Long ago I wished to leave")
  • Robert Service (Роберт Сервис) Regret ("It's not for laws I've broken")
  • Celia Thaxter (Селия Такстер) Regret ("SOFTLY Death touched her and she passed away")

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