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Charles George Douglas Roberts (Чарльз Джордж Дуглас Робертс)

An April Adoration

Sang the sun rise on an amber morn -
"Earth, be glad!  An April day is born.

"Winter's done, and April's in the skies,
Earth, look up with laughter in your eyes!"

Putting off her dumb dismay of snow,
Earth bade all her unseen children grow.

Then the sound of growing in the air
Rose to God a liturgy of prayer;

And the thronged succession of the days
Uttered up to God a psalm of praise.

Laughed the running sap in every vein,
Laughed the running flurries of warm rain,

Laughed the life in every wandering root,
Laughed the tingling cells of bud and shoot.

God in all the concord of their mirth
Heard the adoration-song of Earth.

Charles George Douglas Roberts's other poems:
  1. The Iceberg
  2. Hilltop Song
  3. Canada
  4. Tantramar Revisited
  5. The Aim

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