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Marianne Moore (Марианна Мур)


    The vestibule to experience is not to
        be exalted into epic grandeur. These men are going
    to their work with this idea, advancing like a school of fish

    still water—waiting to change the course or dismiss
        the idea of movement, till forced to. The words of the Greeks
    ring in our ears, but they are vain in comparison with a sight like

    The pulse of intention does not move so that one
        can see it, and moral machinery is not labelled, but
    the future of time is determined by the power of volition.

Marianne Moore's other poems:
  1. You Are Like the Realistic Product of an Idealistic Search for Gold at the Foot of the Rainbow
  2. Diligence Is to Magic as Progress Is to Flight
  3. “He Wrote the History Book”, It Said
  4. Feed Me, Also, River God
  5. To a Steam Roller

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