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Sara Teasdale (Сара Тисдейл)


  If I should see your eyes again,
   I know how far their look would go--
  Back to a morning in the park
   With sapphire shadows on the snow.

  Or back to oak trees in the spring
   When you unloosed my hair and kissed
  The head that lay against your knees
   In the leaf shadow's amethyst.

  And still another shining place
   We would remember--how the dun
  Wild mountain held us on its crest
   One diamond morning white with sun.

  But I will turn my eyes from you
   As women turn to put away
  The jewels they have worn at night
   And cannot wear in sober day.

Sara Teasdale's other poems:
  1. ДарThe Gift
  2. По ветруOn the Wind
  3. The Giver
  4. Tides
  5. The Song for Colin

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