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Edith Nesbit (Эдит Несбит)

Prayer in Time of War

   NOW Death is near, and very near,
   In this wild whirl of horror and fear,
   When round the vessel of our State
   Roll the great mountain waves of hate.
   God!  We have but one prayer to-day—
   O Father, teach us how to pray.

   For prayer is strong, and very strong;
   But we have turned from Thee so long
   To follow gods that have no power
   Save in the safe and sordid hour,
   That to Thy feet we have lost the way . . .
   O Father, teach us how to pray.

   We have done ill, and very ill,
   Set up our will against Thy will.
   That our soft lives might gorge, full-fed,
   We stole our brothers’ daily bread.
   Lord, we are sorry we went astray—
   O Father, teach us how to pray.

   Now in this hour of desperate strife
   For England’s life, her very life,
   Teach us to pray that life may be
   A new life, beautiful to Thee,
   And in Thy hands that life to lay.
   O Father, teach us how to pray.


Edith Nesbit's other poems:
  1. The Day of Judgment
  2. In Hospital
  3. At Parting
  4. Invocation
  5. To Her: in Time of War

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