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Arlo Bates (Арло Бейтс)

When Allah Spoke

Was I not thine when Allah spoke the word
Which formed from smoke the sky?
Were not our two hearts one
When heaven heard the stars,
The first faint stars reply?
Were not our twin hearts one,
When heaven heard the stars,
The first faint stars reply?
Canst thou then doubt that while the ages roll
Our being one shall be?
As flame and light are one, so is my soul
One, o my love, with thee,
As flame and light are one, so is my soul with thee,
One with thee, One with thee.
The ebbing star floods of the Judgment day
Shall leave my heart still thine
And Paradise itself shall fade away
Ere I thy love resign.

Arlo Bates's other poems:
  1. Metempsychosis
  2. The Watchers
  3. Serenade
  4. America

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