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Louisa Sarah Bevington (Луиза Сара Бевингтон)

Love's Breadth

Love's uttermost knows neither depth nor height
    But soars or stoops unwittingly, for stress
    Of mere dear love, importunate to bless
And see its treasure crownéd in its sight.

Throws o'er each fleck some mantle of fine right
    Woven of love's transforming tenderness,
    Woos to the waking charms it doth but guess,
Creates, and frees, and leads into the light.

O little maid! with all your shining hair
    And bosom full of faith and kindliest trust,
So would I have you love your love, my fair,
    With woman's strength of mercy, gently just;
Wide, wide as heaven teach your heart to be,
Love with love's breadth, and hold through setting free.

Louisa Sarah Bevington's other poems:
  1. “Merle Wood”
  2. Bees in Clover
  3. Am I to Lose You?
  4. Peace on Earth
  5. Stanza

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