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Arthur Guiterman (Артур Гитерман)

Sea Sickness

I must go down to the seas again, where the billows romp and reel,
So all I ask is a large ship that rides on an even keel,
And a mild breeze and a broad deck with a slight list to leeward,
And a clean chair in a snug nook and a nice, kind steward.

I must go down to the seas again, the sport of wind and tide,
As the grey wave and the green wave play leapfrog over the side.
And all I ask is a glassy calm with a bone-dry scupper,
A good book and a warm rug and a light, plain supper.

I must go down to the seas again, though there I’m a total loss,
And can’t say which is worst: the pitch, the plunge, the roll, the toss.
But all I ask is a safe retreat in a bar well tended,
And a soft berth and a smooth course till the long trip’s ended.

Arthur Guiterman's other poems:
  1. Strictly Germ-proof
  2. Habits of the Hippopotamus
  3. The Traveler
  4. The Legend of the First Cam-u-el
  5. Pithecanthropus Erectus

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