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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

Annie Adams Fields (Энни Адамс Филдс)


NIGHT, with thy passionless stars!
Awake and alone with my grief
I hide in thy coolness, thy calm,
    And my heart finds relief.

Cold is your vigil, O stars!
Ye are mirrored in dew and in tears:
The glad watch ye not, ye pass on
    Seeing the grief of the years.

Thou too, Orion, must sink!
Latest thou heardst our farewell;
Again thou bear'st from me my love,
    And no word canst thou tell.

Ah, Night, how swift art thou sped!
For others day brings a new birth:
Oh, take me! for fain would I pass
    With the stars to the bosom of earth.

Not for me is glory of dawn,
The undoing of deeds that are done;
The light I have lost is still lost
    Though I walk in the sun.

Annie Adams Fields's other poems:
  1. The Return
  2. Permanence
  3. Comatas

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Thomas Hood (Томас Гуд (Худ)) Midnight ("Unfathomable Night! how dost thou sweep")
  • Henry Vaughan (Генри Воэн) Midnight ("WHEN to my Eyes")
  • Archibald Lampman (Арчибальд Лампмен) Midnight ("From where I sit, I see the stars")
  • Clinton Scollard (Клинтон Сколлард) Midnight ("The world is locked in sleep with perfect night")
  • Harriet Beecher Stowe (Гарриет Бичер-Стоу) Midnight ("All dark! - no light, no ray!")
  • Louisa Bevington (Луиза Бевингтон) Midnight ("THERE are sea and sky about me")

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