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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

Gilbert Keith Chesterton (Гилберт Кит Честертон)


THE star-crowned cliffs seem hinged upon the sky,
The clouds are floating rags across them curled,
They open to us like the gates of God
Cloven in the last great wall of all the world.

I looked, and saw the valley of my soul
Where naked crests fight to achieve the skies,
Where no grain grows nor wine, no fruitful thing,
Only big words and starry blasphemies.

But you have clothed with mercy like a moss
The barren violence of its primal wars,
Sterile although they be and void of rule,
You know my shapeless crags have loved the stars.

How shall I thank you, O courageous heart,
That of this wasteful world you had no fear;
But bade it blossom in clear faith and sent
Your fair flower-feeding rivers: even as here

The peat burns brimming from their cups of stone
Glow brown and blood-red down the vast decline
As if Christ stood on yonder clouded peak
And turned its thousand waters into wine. 

Gilbert Keith Chesterton's other poems:
  1. Blessed Are the Peacemakers
  2. The March of the Black Mountain
  3. To M. E. W.
  4. The Crusader Returns from Captivity
  5. Растяжение цветаA Chord of Colour

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • William Leighton (Уильям Лейтон) Glencoe ("MOUNTAIN-TOP o’er mountain rising")

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