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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

Christian Milne (Крисчен Милн)

The Parting

DEAR partner of my soul, adieu!
I go! and see, the ship's in view--
The streamers flutt'ring play,
The hardy crew unbend each sail,
With busy hands, to catch the gale
That curls the wat'ry way.
Thy lovely face, suffus'd in tears--
Thy tender heart, weigh'd down with fears,
Arrest my pow'r to go;
Yet, go I MUST !--my love, farewell!
That grief does thus my bosom swell,
See! briny tokens flow!
While we're apart, if death appear,
To think that you will drop a tear
On hearing I am gone,
Will soothe me in my dying hour,
When ocean's terrors round me pour,
And suff'ring shipmates groan!
"Adieu, my love!" ELIZA cry'd,
Her snowy arms extended wide
To grasp the parting tar--
"May chosen Angels guard you round--
"May winds and waves be fav'ring found
"To waft you safe from far!"
He went! ELIZA 's tearful eyes
Pursu'd him still--her sobs and sighs
Increase the gentle gale,
Which round her absent EDWARD blows!
As oft to think of her he goes
Aloft, while under sail!

Christian Milne's other poems:
  1. On Buonaparte's Coronation
  2. On a Blank Leaf of the Bible
  3. Written When My Husband Was at Sea
  4. Sent with a Flower-Pot Begging a Slip of Geranium
  5. Written during a State of Illness

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Abraham Cowley (Абрахам Каули) The Parting ("As Men in Greenland left beheld the sun")
  • Robert Service (Роберт Сервис) The Parting ("Sky's a-waxin' grey")
  • Adelaide Crapsey (Аделаида Крапси) The Parting ("Was it love breathed on us as on the skies")
  • John Oldham (Джон Олдем) The Parting ("TOO happy had I been indeed, if fate")
  • Richard Graves (Ричард Грейвс) The Parting ("THE rising sun thro' all the grove")

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