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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

Ralph Waldo Emerson (Ральф Уолдо Эмерсон)


'May be true what I had heard,—
Earth's a howling wilderness,
Truculent with fraud and force,'
Said I, strolling through the pastures,
And along the river-side.
Caught among the blackberry vines,
Feeding on the Ethiops sweet,
Pleasant fancies overtook me.
I said, 'What influence me preferred,
Elect, to dreams thus beautiful?'
The vines replied, 'And didst thou deem
No wisdom from our berries went?'

Ralph Waldo Emerson's other poems:
  1. To Ellen at the South
  2. Destiny
  3. Guy
  4. Hamatreya
  5. The Rhodora

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Madison Cawein (Мэдисон Кавейн) Berrying ("My love went berrying")

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