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John Codrington Bampfylde (Джон Кодрингтон Бэмпфилд)

Sonnet. On the Abbé Reynall’s History of the Establishments in the East and West Indies

Friend to the wretch, great Patron of Mankind,
Born to enlighten and reform the age;
Whose energetic and immortal page,
From Nature's laws, hath every art combin'd
Of mildest policy; whose soul refin'd,
Melts at the Slave's big tear, with generous rage
Dares to assert his rights, his griefs assuage,
And mould to industry the savage mind.
Tutor'd by thee, the nations blest shall see
Unbounded Commerce, Wealth and Peace arise,
And Truth, and spotless Faith, and Liberty:
Nor shall thy latest moment want the meed
Of praise and joy serene, which virtuous deed
Procures from Heaven for the Good and Wise.

John Codrington Bampfylde's other poems:
  1. Sonnet. To Mr Jackson of Exeter
  2. Sonnet. On Having Dined at Trinity College, Oxford
  3. Sonnet. On the Evening
  4. Sonnet. To Mr. Warton, on Reading His History of English Poetry
  5. Sonnet. On a Calm Sea - Prospect

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