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Carolyn Wells (Кэролин Уэллс)

My Barometer

My little maid with golden hair
  Comes each morning for a kiss;
And I know the day will be fine and fair
  When Polly looks like this.

  Or I know the clouds will frown and lower,
  The skies will be dull and gray,
And perhaps there'll be a passing shower,
  When Polly looks this way.

But a violent storm of rain or snow
  I can prognosticate,
For the sign will never fail, I know,
  When this is Polly's pate.

Carolyn Wells's other poems:
  1. Dorothy's Opinion
  2. The Musical Carp
  3. An Intercepted Valentine
  4. Found Wanting
  5. The Arch Armadillo

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