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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

Robert Laurence Binyon (Роберт Лоренс Биньон)

* * *

Beautifully dies the year.
Silence sleeps upon the mere:
Yellow leaves float on it, stilly
As, in June, the opened lily.
Brushing o'er the frosty grass
I watch a moment, ere I pass,
From beeches that will soon be bare
Down the still November air
The lovely ways of gliding leaves.
Perhaps they budded on Spring eves
When we two walked and talked together!
Autumn thoughts for Autumn weather!
I wish some days that I remember
Could glide from me, this fair November.

Robert Laurence Binyon's other poems:
  1. Gallipoli
  2. Angkor
  3. The Renewal
  4. One Year Old
  5. Numbers

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