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Albert Laighton (Альберт Лейтон)

The Two Worlds

SO many fond ties hold us here,
So much hath Earth to give,
We often say, with thankful hearts,
'"Tis sweet to live."

So many are the treasures lost.
Heaven only can restore,
We sometimes think 't were better far
To live no more.

Two lives are ours; — the earthly way
Is with the heavenly blent; —
Between two worlds that share our love,
Our days are spent;

Scarce caring, when Sleep's Angel comes
Our tired eyes to kiss,
If our awakening: morning; be
In that or this.

Albert Laighton's other poems:
  1. My Native River
  2. Joe
  3. A Passing Thought
  4. To J. G. W.
  5. Under the Leaves

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