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Ada Cambridge (Cross) (Ада Кембридж (Кросс))


Those anguished voices in the air!
Oh, I could shriek and tear my hair
In rage, rebellion and despair.

But what is one, amid a throng
So vast and merciless and strong,
To make attempt to right the wrong?

What ear would hear me if I cried?
And who would rally to my side?
What could I do to stem the tide?

Though I should plunge in flood and flame,
And suffer every shame and blame,
The world would triumph all the same.

I am not called upon to pay.
So why join in the hopeless fray,
And waste my brief and precious day?

Ada Cambridge (Cross)'s other poems:
  1. Honour
  2. The Magic Wand
  3. Evensong
  4. The Future Verdict
  5. A Dream of Venice

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