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Lydia Huntley Sigourney (Лидия Сигурни)

Samuel G. Ogden, Esq.

Died at Astoria, New York, April 5th, 1860.

Upon his suffering couch he lay,
  Whose noble form and mind
The stress of fourscore years had tried,
  Yet left a charm behind.
The charm of heaven-born happiness
  Whose beauty may not fade,
The charm of unimpair'd regard
  For all whom God had made.

Upon his suffering couch he lay,
  While sadly gathering there,
Were loved and loving ones, who made
  That honored life their care;
And 'mid the group, a daughter's voice
  Of wondrous sweetness read
Brief portions from the Book Divine,
  As his dictation led.

"Bow down thine ear, Most Merciful,
  Oh, hearken while I speak,
Now in my time of utmost need,
  To Thee alone I seek.
Shew me some token, Lord, for good,
  Before I pass away,
For Thou hast ever been my strength,
  My comforter and stay."[1]

So when that precious breath went forth,
  Her gentle hand was laid
To close those pale and trembling lids
  In slumber's dreamless shade,
And then, the pure and sacred flowers
  She for his burial twined,
And bade her struggling grief be still
  Till the last rite declined.

Through every trial change of life
  Had reign'd within her breast
A holy zeal of filial love,
  That could not be represt;
Its memories, like a music strain,
  Still in that casket swell,
And wake perchance, some fond response
  Where watching angels dwell.

[1] The 86th Psalm, one of his favorites, as death drew nigh was often read to him by his daughter, who never left him, day or night, during his sickness, and "out of whose arms," says one who was present, "when he drew his last breath, the angels took him."

Lydia Huntley Sigourney's other poems:
  1. Rev. Dr. F. W. Hatch
  2. Garafilia Mohalby
  3. Mrs. Charles N. Cadwallader
  4. “Redeeming the Time“
  5. Madam Whiting

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