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Alice Hunt Bartlett (Элис Хант Бартлетт)

Moonlight and the Sea

Fluted in silver with shadows between,
Gleaming and murmuring its time-worn spell,
The autumn sea sighs like some mammoth shell,
Recalling days of gold and nights serene;
Where lapping wave and the white sand convene,
Float soft assurances on ebb and swell,
That every field and every dell
Moonlit, by beauty stilled, quietly lean.

Concealed are now the scars and all life’s stain,
So soon apparent in the morning’s light;
Fragrance of flowers and the sea’s refrain
Touching the hearts of men to dreamings bright;
Walled round with grandeur, panelled in pain,
Our world is swimming through this lovely night.

Alice Hunt Bartlett's other poems:
  1. Illusion
  2. Greater Beauty
  3. Service
  4. Reactionary
  5. Usque ad Aras

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