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Letitia Elizabeth Landon (Летиция Элизабет Лэндон)

Love's Parting Wreath

I give thee, love, a blooming braid;
    I cull'd it at eve's 'witching hour;
I twin'd it in the moon's sweet shade,
    When starlight dew was on each flower.

I chose the myrtle's fadeless leaf,
    For it will picture faith to thee;
I chose the cypress—'tis like grief—
    And that may well my emblem be.

I place the violet in my wreath—
    Its sigh is memory's perfume;
I place the rose, for its sweet breath
    Survives its beauty's passing bloom.

Oh! not a flower is here entwin'd,
    That lays not on thy thought a spell:
Forget-me-not, the wreath shall bind—
    Forget me not, is Love's farewell.

Letitia Elizabeth Landon's other poems:
  1. Rosalie
  2. Ideal Likenesses. Ariadne
  3. The Reply of the Fountain
  4. Song (I wrote my name upon the sand)
  5. Sketch of Scenery

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