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Ada Cambridge (Cross) (Ада Кембридж (Кросс))


Each day another soldier in the van,
Each day a new young worker in the fields,
And every day more plenteous harvest-yields
From human toil, to bless and not to ban—
A better world, upon a better plan.
And, daily strengthening the arms he wields,
And more disdainful of old shifts and shields,
An ever nobler and diviner Man.

But, oh, how few the saved, how small the gain,
How poor the profit as against the cost,
The waste of life potential, vast and fair,
In soul unfructified and starveling brain,
Of Power that might have been, and might be—lost
For want of common food and common air!

Ada Cambridge (Cross)'s other poems:
  1. Honour
  2. The Magic Wand
  3. Evensong
  4. The Future Verdict
  5. A Dream of Venice

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