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Sara Teasdale (Сара Тисдейл)

Buried Love

  I have come to bury Love
   Beneath a tree,
  In the forest tall and black
   Where none can see.

  I shall put no flowers at his head,
   Nor stone at his feet,
  For the mouth I loved so much
   Was bittersweet.

  I shall go no more to his grave,
   For the woods are cold.
  I shall gather as much of joy
   As my hands can hold.

  I shall stay all day in the sun
   Where the wide winds blow,--
  But oh, I shall cry at night
   When none will know.

Sara Teasdale's other poems:
  1. Сын плотникаThe Carpenter's Son
  2. ВиноThe Wine
  3. I Shall Not Care
  4. New Love and Old
  5. ВозрастAge

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