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Letitia Elizabeth Landon (Летиция Элизабет Лэндон)

Song (I wrote my name upon the sand)

I wrote my name upon the sand;
    I thought I wrote it on thine heart.
I had no touch of fear, that words,
    Such words, so graven, could depart.

The sands, thy heart, alike have lost
    The name I trusted to their care;
And passing waves, and worldly thoughts,
    Effaced what once was written there.

Woe, for the false sands! and worse woe,
    That thou art falsest of the twain!
I, yet, may write upon the sands,
    But never on thine heart, again.

Letitia Elizabeth Landon's other poems:
  1. Rosalie
  2. Ideal Likenesses. Ariadne
  3. The Reply of the Fountain
  4. Sketch of a Painting of Santa Malvidera, Escaped Miraculously from Shipwreck
  5. Sonnet (It is not in the day of revelry)

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