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Coventry Patmore (Ковентри Патмор (Пэтмор))


No praise to me!
My joy 'twas to be nothing but the glass
Thro' which the general boon of Heaven should pass,
To focus upon thee.
Nor is't thy blame
Thou first should'st glow, and, after, fade i' the flame.
It takes more might
Than God has given thee, Dear, so long to feel delight.
Shall I, alas,
Reproach thee with thy change and my regret?
Blind fumblers that we be
About the portals of felicity!
The wind of words would scatter, tears would wash
Quite out the little heat
Beneath the silent and chill-seeming ash,
Perchance, still slumbering sweet. 

Coventry Patmore's other poems:
  1. The After-Glow
  2. Mignonne
  3. An Idyll
  4. The Azalea
  5. A Retrospect

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