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William Cullen Bryant (Уильям Каллен Брайант)

* * *

Innocent child and snow-white flower!
Well are ye paired in your opening hour.
Thus should the pure and the lovely meet,
Stainless with stainless, and sweet with sweet.

White as those leaves, just blown apart,
Are the folds of thy own young heart;
Guilty passion and cankering care
Never have left their traces there.

Artless one! though thou gazest now
O'er the white blossom with earnest brow,
Soon will it tire thy childish eye;
Fair as it is, thou wilt throw it by.

Throw it aside in thy weary hour,
Throw to the ground the fair white flower;
Yet, as thy tender years depart,
Keep that white and innocent heart.

William Cullen Bryant's other poems:
  1. The Journey of Life
  2. To the Apennines
  3. Earth's Children Cleave to Earth
  4. A Scene on the Banks of the Hudson
  5. William Tell

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