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Matthew Prior (Мэтью Прайор)

On a Fart - Let in the House of Commons

Reader, I was born, and cried;
I crack'd, I smelt, and so I died.
Like Julius Caesar's was my death,
Who in the senate lost his breath.
Much alike entomb'd does lie
The noble Romulus and I:
And when I died, like Flora fair,
I left the commonwealth my heir.

Matthew Prior's other poems:
  1. Cloe Jealous
  2. To the Author of the Foregoing Pastoral - (Love and Friendship)
  3. A Song (In vain you tell your parting lover)
  4. Answer to Cloe Jealous. The Author Sick
  5. An Ode - Presented to the King, on His Majesty's Arrival in Holland, after the Queen's Death

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