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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

William Allingham (Вильям Аллингам)

In Highgate Cemetery

FAR-SPREAD below doth London wear
  Its cloud by day, its fire by night,—
Yet scarce with heavenly presence there
  Shrined in the smoke or pallid light.

Incessant troops from that vast throng
  Withdraw to silent colonies;
Where houses, lo! are fair and strong,
  Though ruins all that dwell in these.

Yet, ’neath the universal sky
  Bright children here too run and sing,
Calm verdure waxes green and high,
  And grave-side roses smell of spring.

William Allingham's other poems:
  1. Wayconnell Tower
  2. A Burial-place
  3. To the Castle of Donegal
  4. The Emigrant’s Adieu to Ballyshannon
  5. The Little Dell

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