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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

Florence Earle Coates (Флоренс Эрл Коутс)


The lilacs blossom at the door,
⁠⁠     The early rose
Whispers a promise to her buds,
⁠⁠     And they unclose.

There is a perfume everywhere,
     ⁠⁠A breath of song,
A sense of some divine return
⁠⁠     For waiting long.

Who knows but some imprisoned joy
     ⁠⁠From bondage breaks,—
Some exiled and enchanted hope
⁠⁠     From dreams awakes?

Who knows but you are coming back
⁠⁠     To comfort me
For all the languor and the pain,
⁠⁠     Persephone?

O come! For one brief spring return,
⁠⁠     Love's tryst to keep;
Then let me share the Stygian fruit,
⁠⁠     The wintry sleep!

Florence Earle Coates's other poems:
  1. First and Last
  2. Near and Far
  3. Love Sailed at Morn
  4. Be Thou My Guide
  5. An Adieu

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Matthew Arnold (Мэтью Арнольд) Longing ("Come to me in my dreams, and then")
  • Madison Cawein (Мэдисон Кавейн) Longing ("When rathe wind-flowers many peer")
  • Paul Dunbar (Пол Данбар) Longing ("If you could sit with me beside the sea to-day")
  • Ina Coolbrith (Ина Кулбрит) Longing ("O foolish wisdom sought in books!")

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