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Helen Gray Cone (Хелен Грей Коун)

When Willows Green

  When goldenly the willows green,
    And, mirrored in the sunset pool,
  Hang wavering, wild-rose clouds between:
    When robins call in twilights cool:
        What is it we await?
        Who lingers and is late?
  What strange unrest, what yearning stirs us all
  When willows green, when robins call?

  When fields of flowering grass respire
    A sweet that seems the breath of Peace,
  And liquid-voiced the thrushes choir,
    Oh, whence the sense of glad release?
        What is it life uplifts?
        Who entered, bearing gifts?
  What floods from heaven the being overpower
  When thrushes choir, when grasses flower?

Helen Gray Cone's other poems:
  1. At the Parting of the Ways
  2. Thisbe
  3. The Trumpeter
  4. A Nest in a Lyre
  5. Madonna Pia

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