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Walter Savage Landor (Уолтер Сэвидж Лэндор)

* * *

Once, and once only, have I seen thy face,
Elia! once only has thy tripping tongue
Run o'er my breast, yet never has been left
Impression on it stronger or more sweet.
Cordial old man! what youth was in thy years,
What wisdom in thy levity, what truth
In every utterance of that purest soul!
Few are the spirits of the glorified
I'd spring to earlier at the gate of Heaven.

Walter Savage Landor's other poems:
  1. Past Ruin'd Ilion Helen Lives
  2. The Gates of Fame and of the Grave
  3. With Rosy Hand a Little Girl Prest Down
  4. Yes; I Write Verses Now and Then
  5. Idle Words

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