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Walter Savage Landor (Уолтер Сэвидж Лэндор)

* * *

Here, ever since you went abroad,
  If there be change, no change I see,
I only walk our wonted road,
  The road is only walkt by me.

Yes; I forgot; a change there is;
  Was it of _that_ you bade me tell?
I catch at times, at times I miss
  The sight, the tone, I know so well.

Only two months since you stood here!
  Two shortest months! then tell me why
Voices are harsher than they were,
  And tears are longer ere they dry.

Walter Savage Landor's other poems:
  1. Past Ruin'd Ilion Helen Lives
  2. With Rosy Hand a Little Girl Prest Down
  3. The Gates of Fame and of the Grave
  4. Yes; I Write Verses Now and Then
  5. Proud Word You Never Spoke, But You Will Speak

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