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Henry Vaughan (Генри Воэн)

The Revival

  Unfold! unfold! Take in His light,
Who makes thy cares more short than night.
The joys which with His day-star rise,
He deals to all but drowsy eyes;
And (what the men of this world miss)
Some drops and dews of future bliss.
  Hark! how his winds have chang'd their note,
And with warm whispers call thee out.
The frosts are past, the storms are gone,
And backward life at last comes on.
The lofty groves in express joys
Reply unto the turtle's voice;
And here in dust and dirt, O here
The lilies of His love appear!

Henry Vaughan's other poems:
  1. Cock-Crowing
  2. Corruption
  3. Thou That Know'st For Whom I Mourn
  4. I Walk'd the Other Day
  5. Silence and Stealth of Days!

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