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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

Claude McKay (Клод Маккей)


Sometimes I tremble like a storm-swept flower, 
And seek to hide my tortured soul from thee. 
Bowing my head in deep humility 
Before the silent thunder of thy power. 
Sometimes I flee before thy blazing light, 
As from the specter of pursuing death; 
Intimidated lest thy mighty breath, 
Windways, will sweep me into utter night. 
For oh, I fear they will be swallowed up-- 
The loves which are to me of vital worth, 
My passion and my pleasure in the earth-- 
And lost forever in thy magic cup! 
I fear, I fear my truly human heart 
Will perish on the altar-stone of art!

Claude McKay's other poems:
  1. The Barrier
  2. The City’s Love
  3. The Tropics in New York
  4. On a Primitive Canoe
  5. Alfonso, Dressing to Wait at Table

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • James McIntyre (Джеймс Макинтайр) Poetry ("Poetry to us is given")
  • Florence Coates (Флоренс Коутс) Poetry ("One spot of green, watered by hidden streams")
  • George Morris (Джордж Моррис) Poetry ("To me the world's an open book")
  • Lydia Sigourney (Лидия Сигурни) Poetry ("Morn on her rosy couch awoke")
  • Mortimer Collins (Мортимер Коллинз) Poetry ("Ah, the most ancient time")
  • Marianne Moore (Марианна Мур) Poetry ("I, too, dislike it: there are things that are important beyond all this fiddle")

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    Английская поэзия. Адрес для связи eng-poetry.ru@yandex.ru