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William Butler Yeats (Уильям Батлер Йейтс)

A Drunken Man's Praise of Sobriety

COME swish around, my pretty punk,
And keep me dancing still
That I may stay a sober man
Although I drink my fill.

Sobriety is a jewel
That I do much adore;
And therefore keep me dancing
Though drunkards lie and snore.
O mind your feet, O mind your feet,
Keep dancing like a wave,
And under every dancer
A dead man in his grave.
No ups and downs, my pretty,
A mermaid, not a punk;
A drunkard is a dead man,
And all dead men are drunk. 

William Butler Yeats's other poems:
  1. The Rose of the World
  2. The Rose of Battle
  3. The Old Men Admiring Themselves in the Water
  4. For Anne Gregory
  5. The Lover Tells of the Rose in His Heart

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Количество обращений к стихотворению: 1863

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