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Katherine Mansfield (Кэтрин Мэнсфилд)

The Awakening River

The gulls are mad-in-love with the river,
And the river unveils her face and smiles.
In her sleep-brooding eyes they mirror their shining wings.
She lies on silver pillows: the sun leans over her.
He warms and warms her, he kisses and kisses her.
There are sparks in her hair and she stirs in laughter.
Be careful, my beautiful waking one! You will catch
on fire.
Wheeling and flying with the foam of the sea on their
The ineffable mists of the sea clinging to their wild wings,
Crying the rapture of the boundless ocean,
The gulls are mad-in-love with the river.
Wake! we are the dream thoughts flying form your heart.
Wake! we are the songs of desire flowing from your
O, I think the sun will lend her his great wings
And the river will fly to the sea with the mad-in-
love birds.

Katherine Mansfield's other poems:
  1. Villa Pauline
  2. The Gulf
  3. The Meeting
  4. The Family
  5. A Day in Bed

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