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George Eliot (Джордж Элиот)

The World Is Great

The world is great!
The birds fly from me;
The stars are golden fruit
Upon a tree
All out of reach
My little sister went and I am lonely.

The world is great!
I tried to mount the hill
Above the pines
Where the light lies so still,
But it rose higher.
Little Lisa went and I am lonely.

The world is great!
The wind comes rushing by.
I wonder where it comes from.
Sea-birds cry
And hurt my heart.
My little sister went and I am lonely.

The world is great!
The people laugh and talk,
And make loud holiday.
How fast they walk!
I'm lame, they push me.
Little Lisa went and I am lonely.

George Eliot's other poems:
  1. Mid My Gold-Brown Curls
  2. I Grant You Ample Leave
  3. Bright, o Bright Fedalma
  4. How Lisa Loved the King
  5. Two Lovers

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