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Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (Генри Уодсворт Лонгфелло)


Becalmed upon the sea of Thought,
Still unattained the land it sought,
My mind, with loosely-hanging sails,
Lies waiting the auspicious gales. 

On either side, behind, before,
The ocean stretches like a floor,--
A level floor of amethyst,
Crowned by a golden dome of mist. 

Blow, breath of inspiration, blow!
Shake and uplift this golden glow!
And fill the canvas of the mind
With wafts of thy celestial wind. 

Blow, breath of song! until I feel
The straining sail, the lifting keel,
The life of the awakening sea,
Its motion and its mystery!

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's other poems:
  1. Oliver Basselin
  2. Songo River
  3. The Warden of the Cinque Ports
  4. Einar Tamberskelver
  5. Thora of Rimol

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