Carolina Oliphant, Lady Nairne

My Bonnie Hieland Laddie

Prince Charlie he's cum owre frae France,
In Scotland to proclaim his daddie;
May Heaven still his cause advance,
And shield him in his Hieland plaidie!

O my bonny Hieland laddie,
My handsome, charming Hieland laddie!
May Heaven still his cause advance,
And shield him in his Hieland plaidie!

First when he cam' to view our land,
The gracefu' looks o' the princely laddie
Made a' our true Scots hearts to warm,
And blythe to wear the tartan plaidie.

O my bonny Hieland laddie,
My handsome, charming Hieland laddie!
May Heaven still his cause advance,
And shield him in his Hieland plaidie!

But when Geordie heard the news,
How he was cum afore his daddie,
He thirty thousand pounds wad gi'e,
To catch him in his Hieland plaidie.

O my bonny Hieland laddie,
My handsome, charming Hieland laddie!
May Heaven still his cause advance,
And shield him in his Hieland plaidie!

But tho' the Hieland folks are puir,
Yet their hearts are leal and steady;
And there's no ane amang them a',
That wad betray their Hieland laddie.

O my bonny Hieland laddie,
My handsome, charming Hieland laddie!
May Heaven still his cause advance,
And shield him in his Hieland plaidie!

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