Sonnet 41. Since dark December shrouds the transient day INVITATION TO A FRIEND. Since dark December shrouds the transient day, And stormy Winds are howling in their ire, Why com'st not THOU, who always can'st inspire The soul of cheerfulness, and best array A sullen hour in smiles?—O haste to pay The cordial visit sullen hours require!— Around the circling walls a glowing fire Shines;—but it vainly shines in this delay To blend thy spirit's warm Promethean light. Come then, at Science', and at Friendship's call, Their vow'd Disciple;—come, for they invite! The social Powers without thee languish all. Come, that I may not hear the winds of Night, Nor count the heavy eave-drops as they fall. Dec. 21st, 1782 |
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