Текст оригинала на английском языке Forgive Thee! - Yes Forgive thee!—yes—when ev'ry cord Which binds my soul to earth, is broken; When scarce I hear the whisper'd word, By gentlest tongues around me, spoken. Forgive thee!—yes—thy once-lov'd name, Shall mingle with my faltering breath, When, fainter still, this languid frame Shall bend, before the touch of death. Forgive thee!—yes—when paler still This cold and fading brow shall be, And o'er my heart the latest chill Comes on, of mortal agony. Forgive thee!—yes—but rest awhile 'Till mem'ry of the past hath perish'd; 'Till from my mind that voice, that smile, Have pass'd, as though they ne'er were cherish'd. Come, when each hope is rais'd to heav'n, Which wither'd in the world's cold shade; And thou—e'en thou—shalt be forgiv'n The wretchedness which thou hast made. |
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