Мария Джейн Джюсбери (Maria Jane Jewsbury)

Текст оригинала на английском языке

To the Same (A Dying Friend)

Oh! a haunted heart is a weight to bear!

                                     Mrs. Hemans.

My brow is burning
And my heart is yearning
With wishes infinite, and longings vain,
For thee passing away
Into eternal day,
Whom I shall look on, never more again.
I would not stay thy flight
From this our earthly night
I would but watch thee till thy life depart;
Not in the busy street,
Walk with unwilling feet,
Because they may not wander with my heart.
Upon the shows of life,
Pleasure, and care, and strife,
My eye is gazing but can nought behold;
Save the close-curtained room,
Where, through the still, sad gloom,
A face is shining that must soon be cold.
Nor can the city's din
Better an entrance win
Into the sealed chamber of mine ear;
There, whispers faint and brief,
Uttered of love and grief,
Are pealing louder than the trumpet near.
No object can I see
But thy abode and thee,
Too much, alas! of every thought is thine;
Dreams place me by thy side,
But day-light parts us wide,
And then with longing thoughts I vainly pine.
But oh! is this like Him,
Who when death's shadow dim
Fell on the friend in whom his heart reposed,
Suffered no earthly mood
Upon his soul intrude,
And went not to him till the grave was closed!

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