Мэри Эйндж Де Вер (Mary Ainge De Vere)

Текст оригинала на английском языке

A Farewell

I PUT thy hand aside, and turn away:
Why should I blame the slight and fickle heart
That cannot bravely go, nor boldly stay,
Too weak to cling, and yet too fond to part?
Dead Passion chains thee where her ashes lie.      
Cold is the shrine, ah, cold for evermore!
Why linger, then, while golden moments fly
And sunshine waits beyond the open door?
Nay—fare thee well, for memory and I
Must tarry here and wait. … We have no choice
Nor other better joy, until we die,
Only to wait, and hear nor step nor voice,
Nor any happy advent come to break
The watch we keep alone—for Love’s dear sake! 

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