Флоренс Эрл Коутс (Florence Earle Coates)

Текст оригинала на английском языке

Be Thou My Guide

Be Thou my guide, and I will walk in darkness
     As one who treads the beamy heights of day,
Feeling a gladness amidst desert sadness,
     And breathing vernal fragrance all the way.

Be Thou my wealth, and, reft of all besides Thee,
     I will forget the strife for meaner things,
Blest in the sweetness of thy rare completeness,
     And opulent beyond the dream of kings.

Be Thou my strength, O lowly One and saintly!
     And, though unvisioned ills about me throng,
Though danger woo me and deceit pursue me,
     Yet in the thought of Thee I will be strong!

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