Юджин Филд (Eugene Field)

Текст оригинала на английском языке

Fitte the Fifth

He whisked into the dusty street
  And to the Waller lot,
Where bonnie Annie Evans played
  With charming Sissy Knott.

And with those pretty little dears
  He mixed himself all up—
Oh, fie upon such boisterous play—
  Fie, fie, you naughty pup!

Woe, woe on Annie's India mull,
  And Sissy's blue percale!
One got that pup's belathered flanks,
  And one his soapy tail!

Forth to the rescue of those maids
  Rushed gallant Willie Clow;
His panties they were white and clean—
  Where are those panties now?

Where is the nicely laundered shirt
  That Kendall Evans wore,
And Robbie James' tricot coat
  All buttoned up before?

The leaven, which, as we are told,
  Leavens a monstrous lump,
Hath far less reaching qualities
  Than a wet pup on the jump.

This way and that he swung and swayed,
  He gambolled far and near,
And everywhere he thrust himself
  He left a soapy smear.

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