Томас Осборн Дэвис (Thomas Osborne Davis)

Текст оригинала на английском языке

Love and War


How soft is the moon on Glengariff,
  The rocks seem to melt with the light:
Oh! would I were there with dear Fanny,
  To tell her that love is as bright;
And nobly the sun of July
  O'er the waters of Adragoole shines--
Oh! would that I saw the green banner
  Blaze there over conquering lines.


Oh! love is more fair than the moonlight,
  And glory more grand than the sun:
And there is no rest for a brave heart,
  Till its bride and its laurels are won;
But next to the burst of our banner,
  And the smile of dear Fanny, I crave
The moon on the rocks of Glengariff--
  The sun upon Adragoole's wave.

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